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Unlocking People Potential

A purpose is like a star that guides our direction of travel. It is something for people and organisations to follow. Our purpose binds us together, no matter what the current strategy or immediate priorities might be. It is the reason we exist and what we strive to achieve. It creates a sense of strength and resolve.

Our purpose for cycling in New Zealand is Unlocking People Potential. At the heart of our purpose is seeing the value in people for who they are today and who they could become in the future. We see potential in all ages, stages and forms of cycling. We see people potential in every aspect that our sport provides; from kids learning to ride, mechanics preparing race bikes, coaches working with teams, and athletes performing on the world stage.

The sport of cycling in New Zealand is all about unlocking the potential in people.

Our quest for purpose began with wanting Cycling New Zealand to be much more than what it is today. It was a desire to have a purpose that goes beyond just what we do. It was a need that went beyond high-performance programmes, overseeing the sport of cycling, and undertaking community projects.

We wanted our purpose to describe why we exist. We wanted to share what links us all together - athletes, employees, volunteers, stakeholders and the wider community.

In our quest to describe our purpose we considered where we want Cycling New Zealand to be in 10 years time so that we can start the journey towards that, today. However, we didn't go through this alone. We engaged with the wider cycling community and asked them to share their hopes and views for the future of cycling in New Zealand. 


We sought a purpose that binds us together and we thank all those who have contributed to this journey.

At the heart of our ecosystem is people. People of all ages who engage in the possibilities that cycling offers. They use bikes to commute, enjoy the outdoors, participate in sport and in some cases strive for the ultimate achievement in competitive performance.

Our eco-system is immense and diverse, covering all forms of cycling – Road, Track, Cyclocross, BMX, Freestyle, MTB XC & Downhill & Enduro, E-bikes and many more.

Surrounding the heart of our eco-system is a community of people and organisations that share in our purpose. These include our Member Organisations, clubs, partners, sponsors, local government bodies, bike shops, advocacy groups and others.

Our 2021 -2028 Strategic Plan

As a national sport organisation we considered where we could have the most impact before charting the course that would lead to growing a thriving community across the sport of cycling.

Over many months of internal and external consultations we realised that we can best serve our broader cycling community by focussing our collective energies on all that is the sport of cycling. With a clearer mandate, we can now bolster the ecosystem we belong to through enhancing our High Performance programmes and pathways, reinforcing our partnerships, boosting our quality experiences and strengthening our
organisational capabilities.

As we roll out our Strategic Plan that will guide us over the next few years, we must recognise that to become a thriving community across the sport of cycling, we must continuously live and breathe our values in a way that will unlock our collective potential.

Guided by our Purpose, Vision and Values, I am very much encouraged by what the future holds for our sport in Aotearoa. Should we all make the conscious decision to harness the
potential that all of us have in posing positive actions every day that will progress our sport, we will then truly possess a thriving community that embraces all our sport's diversities.
That is an exciting thought.

Let’s get out there and ride with

Ngā mihi,
Jacques Landry


Now that our strategy has been communicated and operationalised, one of the recurring measures we will use to track our progress is to send out an annual member and stakeholder survey. This feedback will help keep us accountable for our strategic priorities, and review how we're going on an annual basis.